Can you make a return of grades?

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Posts: 182

Post by Chompy »

Grades work well in Scoring and Points.

Example: A++ = Brilliant!

A+ = Great!

A- = Good!

B+ = Not bad!

B- = Keep it up!

C+ = Poor

C- = Quite poor

D+ = Very poor

D- = Extremely poor

F+ = Almost failed!

F- = Failed! Try again...

These grades are used to determine points and skill level. Also will be very helpful to musicians.

Please include these in Synthesia 10.2!

Trophy symbols are also needed.

Grade A needs a sparkling golden trophy.

Grade B deserves a golden trophy, but with hints of silver.

Grade C needs a silver trophy.

Grade D+ needs a bronze trophy.

Anything below Grade D+ is counted as a loss, and is marked with a bright red X or cross, meaning that you have to try harder.

This must make a return. There should be an option to disable or enable grades.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Synthesia 12 is going to completely revamp the existing scoring system. That's the first time we'll be making any big changes to that area again.
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