Colour options in Synthesia 10.3?

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Posts: 182

Post by Chompy »

I can remember how you made a vid demonstrating how the colour hurdle in 10.0 had been solved.
Also, in 0.8, you could show the labels in rainbow for the keyboard.
This was removed however...

I've been wanting to have more colour options, like the labels being in rainbow, and ability to toggle colour on/off (simulate grayscale), and turn up the colours/contrast more.

A note:

Extra colour channels I've been thinking for tracks: White, Aqua, Pink, Gray, Brown Sepia, Rainbow, Reversed Colours, Colour cycles (cycles through track colours).

This I really, really would like in the next release, please? I highly encourage you to do it! ;)

-Zac :D

This is for 10.3! Was a bit confused about 10.2 before.
Last edited by Chompy on 10-29-15 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Read the sentence with the big, red, all-caps text in this post where that video was originally posted. ;)
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