Synthesia on Wine

Collaborate with other modders to make Synthesia the way you want it.
Always the latest versions: [ colors.xml | ui.xml ]
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Posts: 182

Post by Chompy »

In order to run the later versions of Synthesia, I will need Wine, which I've got already. The trouble is, that with 1.6 version of Wine, shadow enhancements do not show/text legibility (able to see the text) is a little messed.
This can be fixed with Wine version 0.4

Some mods to make it a little easier:

Include a separate utility so that you can configure game settings/everything else, inside Synthesia for Windows. You'd have to create a button that says: "Launch Configuration Tools" and exits the game, confirming first that you would like to save your changes, (message can be disabled), and you can then adjust settings, like notation colouring/background images, everything in-game. The tools are merged into one configuration app, and are accessible via tabs, like "Video Creator" "General" "Music Devices" "Unlock Key" "Colours" "UI" "Virtual Piano" and more.

This is for Synthesia 10.3 I'm talking about.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Zac wrote:The trouble is, that with 1.6 version of Wine, shadow enhancements do not show/text legibility...
If you use Microsoft's official version of gdiplus.dll with Wine, those problems should go away.
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