Modding Synthesia on Android

Collaborate with other modders to make Synthesia the way you want it.
Always the latest versions: [ colors.xml | ui.xml ]
Read the Getting Started topic to learn how important it is to MERGE YOUR CHANGES every time you download a new dev preview.
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Posts: 182

Post by Chompy »

Just wondering, why not start making Synthesia moddable e.g, colors, ui, and customize almost everything to your own liking on Android?
Support for animated GIF images would be cool, as well as adding some gameplay effects like old movie style and others. Adjusting touchscreen keyboard sensitivity would be great too, and a config tool, launchable by pressing for an extended period of time would be great! :D
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

The tablet versions of Synthesia are often a little more limited (either by real technical reasons or in keeping with the mobile "simplicity" paradigm), so the sorts of things you mentioned will often find their way to the desktop version sooner.

E.g., the existing modding stuff is harder for users to work with in the tablet version because mobile devices try their best to lock you out of an app's data folder (apparently for your own good or something; sharp tools, hot surfaces, etc.). You'd need to root your Android device to get into the data folders which is kind of onerous for us to support officially. (So we don't! ;) )
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