how Toggle All Notes Hidden?

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Posts: 1

Post by robertgrzelewski »

If you prefer sheet music to the falling notes, you can use the "Toggle All Notes Hidden" shortcut ( F5 by default on the desktop) to completely hide the falling notes.

Hit F5 again to show the falling notes again. This shortcut always works, even when you're not using Synthesia's sheet music feature.

how do it on iPad, I want have only sheet music
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

If you head over to Settings --> Shortcuts, you can bind the "Toggle All Notes Hidden" shortcut to something like a key press on your digital piano. (Even better if you've got a pedal, a pedal+note shortcut.)

That's a little inconvenient because it means "using up" a key on your keyboard. If you're interested in hiding the notes forever, you could always set the shortcut temporarily, use it, and then unbind the shortcut.
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