Scales do not respect the synthesia parameters - velocity

Trouble with Synthesia, your keyboard, or adapter? Think you found a bug?
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If your keyboard has USB or MIDI ports, there is a tremendously high chance (>99%) it will work with Synthesia. See what you'll need on the keyboards page.
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Posts: 2

Post by Ten »

I'm using Synthesia to practice songs, and using a MIDI player running on my computer instead of my keyboard to generate the final sound I hear (via LoopBe Internal MIDI driver).
Because I still want to be the one playing, I've set the parameters so that whenever I hit the wrong note it still plays it and so that notes are played corresponding to the velocity of my own taps and not those that are played in the MIDI.
It works fine, except when playing scales. It makes sense that they have specific parameters (in particular when you're training on one hand you don't want to hear other hands, it's not like if it was a song), but the fact I don't hear when I tap wrong, and more importantly that it does not respect the velocity at which I tap when playing left hand (consequently providing a much less enjoyable sound, and even worse, teaching me the wrong tap strength/sound correspondances).

I think the "respect velocity of my own taps" should be enabled by default in the settings, but I don't mind all too much about it since I can enable it myself.
However, I can't find that for the scales.

Anyway so my question is, how to have the piano input as a pure output without synthesia breaking it ? It should only add notes from the hand I don't play, if any.

Thanks in advance.

NB: From what I understand, some MIDIs have this property that they override these parameters, because I've found some other MIDIs (Hanon exercices) that do this as well.

NB: running last version (10.4)
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

I just double-checked (piping Synthesia's output via LoopBe1 to MIDI-OX) and it looked like "Note Loudness --> Match My Input" was working everywhere I tried it, including the built-in scale exercises.

Was this a case where the right-hand note (a perfect octave above the left hand notes you were playing) was masking the sound of your own note? If you mute the opposite hand (using the "Hands, Colors, and Instruments" options screen), are you able to hear your own note velocities again?
Posts: 2

Post by Ten »

The problem actually appears when playing only one hand, and it works fine when playing both hands.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Hmm, I'm still not completely sure I understand what you've been trying to describe. This is a bit of an inconvenience, but is it possible to record a short audio or video clip that demonstrates the problem? Often that will paint a much clearer picture of the trouble. Thanks!
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