Synthesia Screen Capture

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Posts: 47

Post by phiktion »

Okay to explain this as easily as I can, there would be a setting in Synthesia where you could import video from an external source, such as a webcam, etc. To display inside of Synthesia, maybe this could be instructional view mode option, and then Synthesia would allow you to screen capture what your doing on your keyboard in the video, maybe even have an option to dual screen the webcam view, with the Synthesia view, I'm sure theres ways to do this out there, but I think it would be pro to be able to do it all in one in Synthesia, maybe market it more to all those piano instructors so people can actually see what they are doing, maybe they can have on angle on there hands which shows what they are doing which usually blocks the view of what keys they are pressing. Just a thought.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Yes, exactly that.

The hands will be on-screen to help you map where your hands are in physical space to where the falling notes are on the screen. That will be for regular players.

Instructor-type users can then record video and post it on YouTube or whatever it is they do.
Posts: 11

Post by matti »

"Live video feed" in the voting section, right? Must be a new idea, I hadn't noticed it before. Sounds amazing, that's the hardest part for me with sight reading Synthesia.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Live video feed was definitely a later addition to the voting list.

There was quite a bit of discussion that went on about it a little while ago. Lemo even did some cool mock-ups and preliminary testing there a couple months ago.
Posts: 11

Post by matti »

I see, very cool! Good thing fingering hints have been added to Synthesia, color labeling fingers seems impractically complicated anyway, IMO. I don't think it's too much to ask that users memorize what 10 numbers mean. ;)
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