Synthesia Video Creator

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Posts: 184

Post by Chompy »

The Synthesia Video Creator, you said, would allow me and others to create perfectly, lagless videos of any large-stacked notation song (say, 1 million notes in a song.)

You mentioned also that you were working on the 10.2 release weren't you?

One of the coolest things to add, would be visual effects that take the form of weather and seasons, anything you can think of. You could even add options to customise "wind speed" meaning how fast or slow you want the falling snow/rain/hail/blossom leaves to fall, and influences their random directions. Sunlight could help put a specular gleam on the keyboard, and even "melt" the ice/snow that's on it before when you would've selected Winter. The water (which is simulated on the keys), can be set at a timer to dry overtime. Setting a "night" mode also would help with children and others having trouble going to sleep. It just darkens the Synthesia program, and puts on stars, and a display of a crescent moon/a deep velvet blue. Night mode should be set to auto, if set to auto, it would recognise your computer region, and set the time of day according to that (including daylight savings etc.)

Wondering why the video creator is taking so long to make? And the 10.2 release too?
A video creator inside the Synthesia program would create AVI for Windows, Quicktime for Mac, and another form for Linux.
Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

Zac wrote:You mentioned also that you were working on the 10.2 release weren't you?
This section of the forum always has the most up to date news about development. (Today, this is the post you're looking for.)
Zac wrote:Wondering why the video creator is taking so long to make? And the 10.2 release too?
"So long" sounds like you've heard a release date somewhere and that they're late. Where did you hear those things?

For the sake of argument, let's call the release date for both of those sometime during the year 2025. Then, you can be pleasantly surprised when they're (hopefully!) finished early. ;)

With that release date, let's say we happen to finish them two years from now. I would describe that as "super fast" instead of taking "so long". :lol:

Being less silly: both of those projects are a lot of work. The video creator requires spinning up quite a bit of new technology (a MIDI synth, screen capture support, video format output, some new cross-platform UI infrastructure). And 10.2 is fixing a little over 50 rough edges in Synthesia 10.1 across all our supported platforms.
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