MIDI shortcuts

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Posts: 5

Post by davidmcdavid »

As far as Shortcuts are concerned it would be nice to treat MIDI note event input the same as PC keypress event.
Then, on the Shortcuts screen, I could assign a shortcut to a MIDI event just pressing the note (exactly the same as I currently press a key on the computer keyboard).

An example usage, I could bind "menu continue" to the highest note on my MIDI keyboard. Then I could practice a song over and over without ever having to touch the computer.

Posts: 13138

Post by Nicholas »

Hmm. As far as I know, that should work today. (And especially Pedal+Note bindings, which Synthesia treats the same as a Ctrl+keypress style shortcut.)

Is it a particular shortcut that isn't behaving the right way? (A few of them require a special type of input -- like a mouse-wheel's or MIDI knob's continuous range of values -- so they won't bind to normal single presses.) I was just able to assign single-note shortcut bindings the other day when testing out octave shifting. I used the highest keyboard note to shift the octave up and the lowest keyboard note to shift it down.
Posts: 5

Post by davidmcdavid »

I'm not sure what happened there because I went back and tried it again and it worked.
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