Points Earned?, Time Spent?

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Posts: 4

Post by redrules81 »

Under points earned, what is time spent? If the piece is 5 minutes long and my actual speed is 98% with 46 errors & there are always 1643 notes hit, then why does it say Time Spent= 18:15.1.

Also, how are points determined? For the same example previously stated it says my points are 9555. So how did I get 9562 points going only 86% Actual speed with 49 errors, which are 3 more & Time Spent is 20:41.1?
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

This topic describes the scoring algorithm.

In this instance, the difference in score you noticed probably came down to which percentage of the time you were holding the key down for longer notes. Although, that is admittedly kind of a strange metric that feels more video game'y than it might have anything to do with playing a piano well. The Synthesia 12 release will be focused on revamping the scoring and progress metrics completely, in favor of something more pedagogically-sound. The idea so far is to track things on a measure-by-measure basis so you'll be able to compare areas where you're doing well with areas that need more work.
Posts: 4

Post by redrules81 »

Thank you. What is time spent? I just played the piece in about 5 min according to the timer while I'm paying and my own timing but it says time spent was over 30 minutes which can't be even close to accurate.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Sorry for the wait on this.

I may have to double-check, but I think that's the time it would have taken if your input was scaled to 100% speed. During that 5 minute play-through, were you running the song very slowly? That might not be 30 minutes, instead it could be 30 seconds. That would mean that the song -- if it were running at full speed -- would have taken 30 seconds.

It's kind of a strange statistic. I'm not sure how much value it adds. Thinking back (close to 10 years now), I think I was trying for something that could be compared as a baseline across all your performances, regardless of the speed you were practicing at. (One of the negatives of this approach: wasted/waiting time spent in Melody practice is also scaled. So playing a song down at 10% speed makes that statistic look like you have lightning reflexes that are very hard to beat when playing at 100% speed. Similarly, delays at >100% speed are "magnified" to make it look like you spent even more time than you had.)
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