display fingers numbers

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Posts: 13

Post by docunagi »


I have downloaded some midi files from Musescore (Chopin_-_Nocturne_Op_9_No_2_E_Flat_Major). When I look at the music sheets as PDF I can see the fingers numbers shown above the notes. But when I read the midi files in synthesia I have no traces of this numbers.
I wonder if there is a way of displaying the fingers numbers (do they exist in the midi file if they are on the PDF file ???)?
Thanks in advance.
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Post by jimhenry »

There is no way to include finger numbers in a MIDI file. When you add finger numbers in Synthesia that information is stored in a separate file. When Synthesia supports MusicXML, that might allow finger numbers applied in MuseScore to be displayed in Synthesia. I say might because, more often than not, applications omit some things that MusicXML can support. MuseScore may or may not include finger numbers in the MusicXML files they export. Synthesia probably will display finger numbers included in a MusicXML file but probably not just as soon as MusicXML is officially supported.
Jim Henry
Author of the Miditzer, a free virtual theatre pipe organ
Posts: 13

Post by docunagi »

OK.Thanks for the clarification.
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Post by Erylis »

Do you have any idea when this feature will be available?
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Post by Nicholas »

There isn't a set position on the list, but that feature will be in before it hits zero.

I just keep a block of sheet music bullet points (containing 8 items today) and I pick one or two per release and move the rest of the block down to the next one. Adding finger hints to the sheet music is one of those eight items. For that item in particular, the sheet music will have to be taught how to draw text. And I'll have to decide how involved that new drawing-text-onto-sheet-music system is going to be: in the beginning should it only use the same system-font-only style that all other text in the app uses? That will get it out the door a little faster, but it just means more work later to get all the nuance of the serif+italic fonts that are used regularly in most notation.

Answering those questions and deciding when to add what is a constant process of reevaluation, which is what makes it tricky to predict when that particular feature will be complete.
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