Sythesia Can't Read MIDI Right??

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All MIDI attachments must be one of the following:
  • Your own, original work submitted under some license that permits free private use (I recommend public domain or Creative Commons).
  • Adapted from works created prior to 1923. This goes for both the composition and arrangement. This means you cannot post MIDI versions of recent songs.
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Posts: 2

Post by Spongeman »

Every time I try to play a song on Synthesia, it messes it up on the music sheet aspect of things. It plays on the notes just fine, but they become a incoherent mess on the music sheet. What's going on?
The music sheet original.
The music sheet original.
music.png (217.61 KiB) Viewed 2125 times
Synthesia messified sheet
Synthesia messified sheet
Screenshot 2023-03-02 163222.png (219.16 KiB) Viewed 2125 times
Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

That is the top-most embarrassment that is very next on the list to be fixed.

Sorry for the trouble in the meantime.
Posts: 2

Post by Spongeman »

Yeah, if this could be figured out, it would be a perfect tool. I use the guitar hero notes to learn it easily, then I can follow up with the sheet music. But it's hard to learn by playing along when the sheet music is looking wonky. Otherwise, this is a great product and has been making learning music very easy for me. I've always had a hard time reading sheet music, so this has helped immensely.
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