Android - when working melody synthesia keyboard is wrong by several octave with my piano

Trouble with Synthesia, your keyboard, or adapter? Think you found a bug?
When describing problems, always mention your OS and game version (shown at the bottom of the title screen).

If your keyboard has USB or MIDI ports, there is a tremendously high chance (>99%) it will work with Synthesia. See what you'll need on the keyboards page.
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Posts: 2

Post by hborderiou »


Android tablet
Synthesia v 10.9.5916
I've got my Casio piano successfully connected to my tablet and Synthesia
I see the keyboard of my piano on Synthesia, keys are hightlighet when I press a key on my piano.

➡ I use "Watch and listen only" tool : it works like a charm 😍
Piano keys and Synthesia keyboard are the same.
I press a key on my piano, it hightlight the right key on the Synthesia keyboard.

➡ I use even "left hand" or "right hand" or "both hands tool : 😭
Piano keys and Synthesia keyboard are NOT the same.
I press a key on my piano, it hightlight the wrong key on the Synthesia keyboard.
Key sifted to the left from several octaves.
If I press the HELP button, there are a shortcuts [x] or [z] that may Put the entry one octave up or down, but I'm on a tablet, and I havent got a LetterKeyboard to be able to use this functionnality.

Any idea ?

Best regards, and thank you for great software

Posts: 124

Post by Bavi_H »

Synthesia has an automatic octave shift setting. Synthesia might be automatically shifting the octave based on the range that the touch screen keyboard can cover. Or maybe Synthesia has an incorrect note range set for your music keyboard. Try changing the following settings:
  • Go to the Settings > Gameplay screen and find the switch for "Automatic Keyboard Octave". You can turn it off if you want.
  • Go to the Settings > Music Devices page and disable the "Synthesia Touchscreen Keyboard" or "Synthesia Virtual Piano" so that only your input keyboard is enabled.
  • Go to the Settings > Music Devices page and go into the page for your input keyboard.
    • If you want to use Synthesia's automatic octave shift, make sure the note range is set correctly (press the lowest and highest note on your music keyboard).
    • If you want erase the note range, you can click the button "Reset Note Range" then back out of this page without pressing any keys on the music keyboard.
If you still need to shift the octave, here are some other ways you can do that:
  • Click the magnifying glass icon, then click the left or right arrowhead buttons.
  • Go to the Settings > Shortcuts page and find the settings for "Shift Input Octave Down" and "Shift Input Octave Up" to add or change the shortcuts. You can set a key, pedal, or other control on your music keyboard as a shortcut, as long as it sends a MIDI message. You can also use the pedal as a shift key to make a "pedal+key" shortcut.
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