Musicxml: Left hand / right hand / rendering issue

Trouble with Synthesia, your keyboard, or adapter? Think you found a bug?
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If your keyboard has USB or MIDI ports, there is a tremendously high chance (>99%) it will work with Synthesia. See what you'll need on the keyboards page.
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Posts: 9

Post by Andre2007 »

I have a more sophisticated song I want to train. I choosed "train left hand". In the screenshot below, the upper image is from MuseScore and the lower image is from Synthesia. From the selected position you can see, that the Synthesia score want me to play the lower D with my left hand and the upper D with my right hand. The falling notes of Synthesia says I should play with my left hand an octave. This fits to the rendering of MuseScore.
Issues like that continues, see the bar 9 and the score rendering of Synthesia. Also the note lengths are rendered incorrectly sometimes.

Kind regards
musicxml_color_rendering_issue.png (997.49 KiB) Viewed 7691 times
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Post by jimhenry »

MusicXML rendering in Synthesia is still very incomplete. I believe that is next up for major improvements.
Jim Henry
Author of the Miditzer, a free virtual theatre pipe organ
Posts: 9

Post by Andre2007 »

Is there any chance, that the improved MusixXML rendering will come with Synthesia 10.10 or will
it come only with Synthesia 11?

If it will come with Synthesia 10.10, is there any timeline for it? :)

Kind regards
Posts: 13176

Post by Nicholas »

At the moment, Synthesia 11 is planned as the next release (there is no 10.10 on the roadmap).

There isn't an exact release date, but you can follow along with this chart.
Posts: 8

Post by kohasz »

Can you custom edit the hands and make it L/R where you want it?
Posts: 9

Post by Andre2007 »

I yesterday saw, in addition to Lomse, there is also Verovio, which is sponsored by some organisations,
This might be a good rendering engine, the license should also fit, as long as external so/dll files are not a problem.

Kind regards
Posts: 13176

Post by Nicholas »

Andre2007 wrote: 01-03-24 6:30 am... the license should also fit, as long as external so/dll files are not a problem.
This gets tricky on the mobile platforms. I haven't checked in a few years whether the question has been answered definitively yet, but I know historically there was some contention about using LGPL libraries in iOS apps where the platform itself prevents you from being able to swap out the .so with your own version (which is kind of the point of the license).

Otherwise, at a cursory glance, that does seem like another close fit (so long as we also brought along an SVG renderer) for Synthesia.
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