What's a good site to buy midi files?

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All MIDI attachments must be one of the following:
  • Your own, original work submitted under some license that permits free private use (I recommend public domain or Creative Commons).
  • Adapted from works created prior to 1923. This goes for both the composition and arrangement. This means you cannot post MIDI versions of recent songs.
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Posts: 2

Post by jakkan »

What's a good site to buy midi files? I'm considering buying Ho Hey by The Lumineers from hittraxmidi but I don't know much about the file.

Is it a good representation of the song?
Is it a midi for piano?
Is it simple enough to play for a beginner like me?

I appreciate help in this purchasing decision.
Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

I know Hit Trax has been around for a long time, but I personally don't have any experience with their products. It does look like they describe their stuff as "backing tracks" so that you can play or sing on top of them. It might be worth contacting them and asking those questions directly.

The songs in our own music store are arranged specifically to answer all three of the questions ("Yes", "Yes", and "Check the listed difficulty")... but it's still early and the selection there is limited.
Posts: 1

Post by Purujeet »

Here is the good site to buy midi files - Piano Midi Files
Almost more than 400 midi files are available. You can request new songs as well.
Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

That site looks nice (albeit, with a familiar-looking logo). ;)

I'm always curious to hear a fellow MIDI-seller's experience. How did you tackle the challenge of music licensing?
Posts: 23

Post by LucidMusicInc »

Music Notes is the best place to buy scores. Unfortunately they can’t be played in Synthaesia. I haven’t seen any sites selling contemporary midi songs, just proprietary formats and pdfs.
Posts: 4

Post by arcus80 »

I have purchased several midis from Yamaha Musicsoft https://shop.usa.yamaha.com/downloadables. They've recently remodeled their site and the midi buying function isn't back yet but they assure me it will be "Soon™ ". They had a really good selection and got a lot of popular current songs regularly. If you have a Yamaha instrument you can narrow songs by instrument, but otherwise you used to be able to even preview a bit of the song as well as filter by exact type of midi file and genre. Most of the one arranged for piano worked well for Synthesia without having to do anything other than selecting right hand and left hand. They didn't let you know how difficult they would be though and I have got really excited finding a song on there, buying it, and finding out it's way out of my league. I can say it was a safe process for me and one time I had an issue customer service was excellent. I can't say which if any of these features or issues will be addressed in the new site when it's finished.
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Post by Anonymous997 »

Musescore. Subscribe to their service and get all the MIDI songs you want. Just click download on the selected arrangement and then choose MIDI as a format.
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Post by Zenoskip »


Thousands of piano rolls by famous pianists, converted into MIDI format.
It can be expensive, but being able to learn from Debussy playing his own music.. worth it.
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